Sled tow device

Sled tow device

Air rescue is effective however, can be dangerous, especially in fog or otherwise unclear weather. The Author has been using this device for decades and "rescued" several sleds, including his. It's called the "buddy tow" which is a plastic sheet to place under the track. This is useful in cases were the track won't turn, for example a broken drive shaft. The $100 (+ ship) cost of this device is reasonable, considering you may have spent thousands of dollars on your sled and need to bring it (or others) back to the parking lot.

They have a small selection of Lite, Pro and custom. The first is for small sleds and the last is for real wide tracked ones. Both are pretty much for trail riding. For mountain riding and being disable get the Pro. It works with the longer tracks and has rails to cut down on the fishtailing while towing a deal sled.









































So, check out their Web site To order one.

[Karl's sled page]